Ryan Santos

about me 

Hi there, thanks for visiting my website!

My name is (Francis) Ryan and I currently live in NYC. I was born and raised in San Diego, but have also lived in Tokyo, Guam, Singapore, and Los Angeles. 

I graduated from UCLA where I studied economics and math, and also wrote a thesis on the legacy of the US colonization in the Philippines. This fortunately led me to come to NYC to work on research projects on the economics of education at Columbia.

These days, I like to find and work with all types of datasets to try to understand and investigate why are things the way they are and how they impact the public.

In order to not get overwhelmed by all this information, I also like to run, attempt to play tennis, consume art in all its forms, and explore the city.  Feel free to reach out to me through email! I enjoy talking to people and learning what you find interesting in your day-to-day life. 

Thanks again :)